San Francisco

San Francisco, the city is in northern California, United States, lying on a peninsula between the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay. It is a cultural and financial center of the western United States, as well as one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the country. San Francisco has a firm position in the romantic fantasy of the United States of America—a cool, sophisticated, attractive, worldly seaport whose steep streets give spectacular vistas of one of the world’s most beautiful bays.

Legal Statistics

Average Income: San Francisco, CA has an 882k population in 2019, with a median age of 38.2 and a typical family income of $123,859. San Francisco, CA’s population decreased from 883,305 to 881,549, a 0.199 percent loss, but its median household income increased from $112,376 to $123,859, a 10.2 percent rise, between 2018 and 2019.

Number of Attorneys: 167,709 people are involved in the legal industry in California

The number of Law Firms: 332

Wrongful death Statistics:

You are understandably grieved when you lose a loved one as a result of the carelessness of another person or corporation. Surviving family members frequently have conflicting feelings about suing the at-fault party for monetary damages. There is no amount of money that could ever make up for what you have lost.

Here are the statistics of some San Francisco wrongful death cases:

The number of Car Accidents: According to the California Office of Traffic Safety, there were a total of 2,571 car incidents that resulted in fatalities or injuries.

  • In 2013, this ranked San Francisco as the eighth most dangerous city to drive in with a population of more than 250,000 people.

Fatal Car accidents: In downtown San Francisco in 2013, there were 32 accidents that resulted in 33 fatalities. These figures are somewhat higher than the previous year’s total of 30 deaths in 30 incidents.

Motorcycle accident vs. Car Accident Statistics:

  • According to the Office of Traffic Safety’s 2009 traffic accident data, San Francisco ranks first in the number of persons killed or injured in motorcycle accidents. In San Francisco alone, about 300 motorcyclists were killed or wounded in 2009.
  • According to the local government database TransBASE, four people died and 212 were injured in motorbike accidents in San Francisco in 2020.

San Francisco Bicycle accident statistics:

  • According to the statistics, the fatal crash rate in San Francisco fell from 8.9 per 100,000 inhabitants in the 1990s to 4.5 in the 2010s, an almost 50% decrease.
  • Meanwhile, between 1990 and 2015, the city experienced a 348 percent increase in the number of persons riding.

Food delivery accident and injury statistics in San Francisco: In 2013, there were 42 fatal workplace injuries in the San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont region. Since local area statistics became available in 2003, the number of fatal occupational injuries has fluctuated from a peak of 53 in 2007 and 2008 to a low of 32 in 2010.

Child Pedestrian Accident statistics: Accidents declined by 75% at the COVID condition. (didn’t found so include general accident decline stats)

  • Truck accident Injury Statistics: Every year nearly 250 deaths occur due to truck accidents in California
  • 40% among the victims are drivers without wearing seat belts
  • Death cases due to truck accidents increased by 16%, from 725 cases in 2016 to 841 in 2017.

No data available for San Francisco

Traumatic Brain Injury Statistics: In 2013, approximately three million people sought medical attention because they were concerned about a traumatic brain injury.

  • A traumatic brain injury was reported as a contributing cause of death for over 50,000 people.
  • Approximately 300,000 people were hospitalized owing to fears of traumatic brain damage.

Number of Lawsuits: There are 40 million lawsuits filed in the US every year.

DUI Statistics: Across San Francisco County, around 24 percent of adults are believed to be excessively drinking, while the rate of alcohol-related traffic deaths is at 17 percent. In San Francisco, the rate of drivers who have a DUI is a little over 1.7 percent.

Population Growth: San Francisco, CA has a population of 882k inhabitants, with 88.1 percent of them being citizens. In 2019, there were 1.15 times more White (non-Hispanic) residents in San Francisco, CA (351k people) than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 305k Asian (Non-Hispanic) and 65.9k Other (Hispanic).