
Arizona is the sixth-largest state in terms of land area in the United States. Its population has always been primarily urban, especially since the mid-twentieth century when urban and suburban areas began rapidly expanding at the expense of rural areas. Some scholars believe the state’s name is derived from a Basque phrase that means “place of oaks,” while others believe it is derived from a Tohono O’odham Indian phrase that means “place of the young spring.”

Legal Statistics

Average Income: The average Arizona income in 2019 was $62,055, up 4.74 percent from the previous year. Males in Arizona have an average income that is 1.3 times that of females. Arizona has 0.459 percentile income inequality, which is lower than the national average.

Number of Attorneys: 15,601 people are involved in the legal industry

Wrongful death Statistics:

Wrongful Death claims in Arizona exist when a person dies as a result of another person’s wrongful act. Many different types of incidents can give rise to wrongful death claims. In terms of proving negligence, a wrongful death claim is treated the same as any other claim. The plaintiff bears the burden of proving that the Defendant was negligent.

Here are the statistics of some Arizona wrongful death cases:

The number of Car Accidents: In 2018 alone there were 127,056 motor vehicle accidents. The total number of fatalities from car wrecks in 2018 was 1,010

Fatal Car accidents

Of the 916 fatal crashes, 242 were alcohol-related. That is more than 25 percent of that total number of fatal crashes.

  • There were 1.53 fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled in Arizona in 2018.

Motorcycle accident vs. Car Accident Statistics: A motorcycle accident can happen out of nowhere at any time of day or night. However, certain conditions and situations increase the likelihood of an accident.

  • In 2020, there were 2,317 motorcycle accidents, 1,810 people were injured, and 161 people were killed.
  • A city accounted for 77.13 percent of all accidents.
  • A collision with another vehicle was involved in 1,309 wrecks.
  • During the day, 1,533 accidents occurred, with 532 of them involving a rider exceeding the speed limit.

California Bicycle accident statistics

  • In the United States, an estimated 47.5 million people ride bicycles (and rising). Arizona makes it an especially attractive destination for cyclists.
  • In 2017, 32 cyclists were killed and 1,371 were injured in Arizona, making it the fifth most dangerous state for bicycles in the country.

Food delivery accident and injury statistics in California

  • Fatal work injuries totaled 94 in 2019 for Arizona, the U.S
  • Acting Regional Commissioner Dennis Reid noted that the number of work-related fatalities in Arizona was up from the previous year

Child Pedestrian Accident statistics: According to information from AZDOT, there were a total of 1,637 total accidents that involved pedestrians in the year 2016 alone, with 1,448 suffering injuries and 197 being killed.

Truck accident Injury Statistics

  • Since 2009, the number of people killed in truck accidents has increased dramatically, from 3,380 in 2009 to 4,317 in 2016.
  • Truck accidents killed 69 people in Arizona in 2016.

Child Pedestrian Accident statistics: According to information from AZDOT, there were a total of 1,637 total accidents that involved pedestrians in the year 2016 alone, with 1,448 suffering injuries and 197 being killed.

Truck accident Injury Statistics

  • Since 2009, the number of people killed in truck accidents has increased dramatically, from 3,380 in 2009 to 4,317 in 2016.
  • Truck accidents killed 69 people in Arizona in 2016.

Traumatic Brain Injury Statistics

  • 1,395 Deaths in 2012
  • 6,606 Inpatient Hospitalizations
  • 50,574 Emergency Department Visits

Number of Lawsuits

  • Arizona’s courts handled an average of 8,477 new cases each business day.
  • Arizona’s courts reduced their pending caseload – cases awaiting a final disposition – by 129,915 cases compared to the 2013 fiscal year

DUI Statistics: In 2018, there were a total of 4,651 alcohol-related car crashes in Arizona, which accounts for 3.66% of all car accidents in the state. Of those accidents,almost 47% of them resulted in injury or death.

Population Growth: Arizona’s population increased by 1.49 percent from 7.17 million to 7.28 million people between 2018 and 2019, while its median household income increased by 4.74 percent from $59,246 to $62,055.