Florida is a state in the United States of America. In 1845, it became the 27th state. Florida is the most populous of the southeastern states and, after Texas, the second-most populous Southern state. Tallahassee, the state capital, is located in the northwest panhandle. Geographic location has been a major factor in Florida’s long and colorful history, and it helps to explain the state’s striking contemporary character.
Average Income: Florida’s median household income is $59,227. Males in Florida have an average income that is 1.34 times higher than females, who have an average income of $46,953. Florida’s income inequality (as measured by the Gini index) is 0.473, which is lower than the national average.
Number of Attorneys: 72,244 people are involved in the legal industry.
Number of Law Firms: 38,626
Market Size: $24bn
Number of attorneys by type: N.A
Wrongful death Statistics:
The untimely death of a loved one is one of the most tragic and traumatic events that most people will ever witness. Wrongful death can occur as a result of a person’s—or a company’s or manufacturers—negligence, wrongful actions, or total inaction in the face of a crisis. The resulting fatality is referred to as wrongful death. Wrongful deaths can leave families struggling not only emotionally, but also financially, as future financial support is lost.
Here are the statistics of some Florida wrongful death cases:
The number of Car Accidents: In 2017, there were 402,385 car accidents in Florida, an alarming number. This equates to approximately 1,098 crashes per day.
Fatal Car accidents: 42.13 percent of all crashes resulted in an auto accident injury that necessitated medical attention.
Motorcycle accident vs. Car Accident Statistics: Florida has a reputation for being one of the most dangerous states for motorcycle riders.
Florida Bicycle accident statistics:
Food delivery accident and injury statistics in Florida:
Child Pedestrian Accident statistics: According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were over 600 pedestrian fatalities in 2015. California is the only state with more than that.
Truck accident Injury Statistics:
Traumatic Brain Injury Statistics: In Florida alone, approximately 93,000 TBIs (511.5 per 100,000) occurred in 2005, resulting in 3,900 deaths, 17,700 hospitalizations, and 71,400 emergency department visits.
Number of Lawsuits: Number of cases filed and decided 01/01/2020 to 12/31/2020:
DUI Statistics: 2018 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatality Data:
Population Growth: Florida had a population of 21.5 million people in 2019, with a median age of 42.4 and a median household income of $59,227. Between 2018 and 2019, Florida’s population increased by 0.838 percent, from 21.3 million to 21.5 million.
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