
Ohio is one of the smallest states west of the Appalachian Mountains, ranking 34th in total area among the 50 states. However, in terms of population, the state ranks near the top. In many ways, Ohio has come to represent the urbanized, industrialized, and ethnically diverse United States that arose from an earlier agrarian period. Furthermore, the state is located in the heart of the country’s old industrial belt, close to major raw material and labor resources as well as markets in the East, Midwest, and South.

Legal Statistics

Average Income: Ohio’s median household income is $58,642. Delaware County, OH had the highest Median Household Income in Ohio in 2019, with a value of $107,854, followed by Warren County, OH, and Geauga County, OH, with values of $90,837 and $77,391, respectively.

Number of Attorneys: 37,873 people are involved in the legal industry.

Number of Law Firms: 13,122

Market Size: $7B

Wrongful death Statistics:

A “wrongful death” in Ohio is defined as one caused by another’s “wrongful act, neglect, or default” that would have entitled the person to file a personal injury lawsuit if he or she had survived. In other words, a wrongful death case is a type of personal injury lawsuit in which the injured person is no longer able to bring his or her own case to court and must instead rely on another party to file the claim on behalf of the deceased person.

Here are the statistics of some Ohio wrongful death cases:

The number of Car Accidents: Some crash statistics from the Ohio Department of Public Safety for 2011 are below:

  • There were 292,163 auto accidents
  • Of these crashes, 72,305 involved injuries to drivers or passengers

Fatal Car accidents:

  • 941 of the accidents in 2011 were fatal
  • Approximately 2.6 fatal crashes occurred each day
  • Approximately 2.8 people were killed each day

Motorcycle accident vs. Car Accident Statistics:

  • According to the most recent Ohio State Highway Patrol statistics, there were 996 fatal motor vehicle accidents in Ohio in 2018. 144 motorcycle riders were killed in these crashes.
  • 47 of the motorcyclists who died were wearing helmets and taking other precautions to ensure their safety.
  • While motorcycle fatalities in Ohio peaked in 2016, the number of fatalities in 2018 is still higher than the 2014 low.

Ohio Bicycle accident statistics:

  • In Ohio, fatal bike crashes are on the rise, with 55 riders killed in 2020, an 88 percent increase over 2019.
  • On Ohio roads in 2018, approximately 20 bicyclists were killed.

Food delivery accident and injury statistics in Ohio: In 2018, there were 158 fatal workplace injuries in Ohio, making it the most dangerous state in the country.

  • In Ohio, the number of work-related fatalities was down 16 from the previous year. The number of fatal occupational injuries in the state has ranged from 222 in 1999 to 137 in 2009.

Child Pedestrian Accident statistics: According to the Ohio Department of Public Safety, 610 children aged 15 and under were injured and 13 were killed in pedestrian accidents in 2007.

Truck accident Injury Statistics: There were 13.65 fatal large truck crashes per million people in the United States in 2019, a 29-percent increase from 10.6 in 2010. 

Traumatic Brain Injury Statistics: In Ohio, 21.7 percent of non-institutionalized adults 18 years and older reported at least one lifetime TBI with LOC, 2.6 percent experienced at least one moderate or severe such injury, 9.1 percent experienced a TBI with LOC before the age of 15 years, and 10.8 percent experienced either a TBI with LOC before the age of 15 years or a moderate or severe injury.

Number of Lawsuits: According to lawsuit statistics in the US, there are about 40 million lawsuits filed every year.

DUI Statistics: 2018 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatality Data:

  • Total Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities = 294
  • Under 21 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities = 24

Population Growth: Ohio has a population of 11.7 million people, of which 97.7 percent are citizens. In 2019, White (non-Hispanic) residents outnumbered all other races and ethnicities in Ohio (9.16 million people). The second and third most common ethnic groups were 1.45 million Black or African American (non-Hispanic) residents and 306k Two+ (non-Hispanic).