California is the most populated state in the USA, and in terms of lands, it is the third-largest. California is one of the most popular states in the country, as many awesome things make it a nice place to dwell and visit. As a result, it becomes populated and becomes a loved destination for tourists. Most importantly, California is the state of the USA’s largest economy and progressive politics.
Average Income: In 2019, the average Californian income was $80,440, and it has increased 6.86% from the previous year. Californian men earn 1.26 times higher than average women making. According to census reports, 17.9M people are working in California.
Wrongful death Statistics:
Wrongful death cases are hard to prove as deaths are never felt right. However, if any death is caused due to negligence, it is considered illegal. California courts allow a relative of a wrongfully dead individual to file a case against negligence. If the failure is proved, they will receive compensation.
Here are the statistics of some Californian wrongful death cases:
The number of Car Accidents: California is the second-highest state in car accidents, with 3,723 cases and 3,250 deaths occurring there in 2019 due to car accidents.
Fatal Car accidents:
In the USA, car accidents cause the highest cases of wrongful deaths, specifically between the ages of 5 to 34.
Motorcycle accident vs. Car Accident Statistics:
California Bicycle accident statistics:
Food delivery accident and injury statistics in California: Accident cases dropped by 75% during the lockdown period. (didn’t found so include general accident decline stats)
Child Pedestrian Accident statistics: Accidents declined by 75% at the COVID condition (same as above)
Truck accident Injury Statistics:
Traumatic Brain Injury Statistics: In 2020 injury rate declined by 62%. (didn’t found include general injury stats)
Number of Lawsuits: There were 110 lawsuits that California filed against the Trump Government. (only found lawsuits against Trump admin)
DUI Statistics: In California, 29 deaths are caused every day due to drunken driving, among which 28% of fatalities are due to traffic accidents. In 2016 more than one million drivers received DUI, but the self-reported case is only 1%.
Population Growth: In 2019, the population of California is reported 39.5M, which is a 0.113% decrease in a year.
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