Austin is the capital of Texas in the United States. Austin, the state’s fourth-biggest city, sprang from the riverbank town of Waterloo in a buffalo-hunting zone inhabited by Tonkawa and Comanche peoples. Scouts chose it as the permanent capital of the Republic of Texas in 1839, and it was renamed after Stephen F. Austin, the republic’s founder. Austin was established in 1840, with a population of 856 people. When a Mexican invasion threatened Texas in 1842, the government relocated to Houston, but residents of Austin, anxious to protect Austin as the state capital, staged the so-called Archive War, forcefully holding official papers.
Average Income: Austin, TX has a median household income of $75,413. Males in Texas have an average income that is 1.37 times more than females, who have an average income of $50,216. In Texas, income inequality (as measured by the Gini index) is 0.477, which is lower than the national average.
Number of Attorneys: 1400+ people are involved in the legal industry.
A number of Law Firms: 274
Wrongful death Statistics:
According to Austin law, wrongful death occurs when a person dies as a result of another’s “neglect, negligence, unskillfulness, or default.” A wrongful death settlement award can alleviate your financial responsibilities while also allowing your family to function and go on with their lives.
Here are the statistics of some Austin wrongful death cases:
The number of Car Accidents: According to the Query Builder (2020) of the Department of Transportation:
Fatal Car accidents: Every two hours and fifteen minutes, one person was killed in a car accident.
Motorcycle accident vs. Car Accident Statistics:
Austin Bicycle accident statistics:
Food delivery accident and injury statistics in Austin: In 2019, the number of work-related fatalities in Texas increased by 25%. There were 608 workplace fatalities in private and public/governmental sectors in 2019, up from 488 in 2018. ( Texas data).
Child Pedestrian Accident statistics: According to the report, 36 pedestrians perished in 2018. This is an increase from the 31 pedestrians killed in 2018.
Truck accident Injury Statistics: According to the National Highway Safety Administration, 4,761 persons died in heavy truck collisions in 2017, with just 18% of those killed being vehicle occupants. Seventy-two percent of the fatalities occurred in other cars, while 10% were not occupants.
Traumatic Brain Injury Statistics: Texas is a part of this national epidemic, with an estimated 144,000 people suffering a TBI each year (one every four minutes). Over 479,000 Texans are disabled as a result of TBI. (Texas data)
Number of Lawsuits: In the fiscal year 2014-15, 362,500 cases were expected to be submitted. The actual number of cases submitted in FY 2014-15 was 351,757, a drop of 18,149, or nearly 4.9 percent, from 369,906 in FY 2013-14.
DUI Statistics: Over a five-year period, this increases the total number of DUI arrests to 3005. That equates to more than 16 DUIs every day in Austin. Although the numbers have fallen since 2013, the safety of our community’s residents is still jeopardized by a large number of drunk drivers on our roadways.
Population Growth: Austin, TX has a population of 979k inhabitants, 87.1 percent of whom are citizens. In 2019, there were 2.01 times as many White residents in Austin, TX (478k individuals) than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 237k White and 79.5k Asian.
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