
Pennsylvania, officially Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, is a constituent state of the United States of America and one of the thirteen original American colonies. The state is roughly rectangular in shape, stretching 300 miles (480 km) east to west and 150 miles (240 km) north to south. Pennsylvania, officially Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, is a constituent state of the United States of America and one of the thirteen original American colonies. The state is roughly rectangular in shape, stretching 300 miles (480 km) east to west and 150 miles (240 km) north to south.

Legal Statistics

Average Income: Pennsylvania’s median household income is $63,463. Males in Pennsylvania have an average income that is 1.31 times that of females, which is $54,144. Pennsylvania’s income inequality (as measured by the Gini index) is 0.466, which is lower than the national average.

Number of Attorneys: 50,112 people are involved in the legal industry.

Number of attorneys by type: N.A

Wrongful death Statistics:

Under Pennsylvania law, death is considered a “wrongful death” if the person was killed as a result of someone else’s negligent, wrongful, or illegally violent actions. A person who dies as a result of a gunshot wound, a negligent medical mistake, or a car accident in which the other driver was negligent is all examples of wrongful death.

Here are the statistics of some Pennsylvania wrongful death cases:

The number of Car Accidents: Every day in 2020, 286 reportable traffic crashes occurred in Pennsylvania.

  • Every day, 168 people were injured in reportable accidents (about 7 injuries every hour).
  • A reportable traffic accident occurred in one out of every 57 people.

Fatal Car accidents: Every day, three people were killed in traffic accidents that were reported (one fatality every 8 hours).

  • In a reportable traffic accident, one out of every 11,339 people was killed

Motorcycle accident vs. Car Accident Statistics: Statistics for motorcycle accidents in Pennsylvania in 2020:

  • In 2020, there were 3,398 motorcycle accidents, 215 of which were fatal.
  • 4 percent of motorcycle accidents resulted in bodily harm or death.
  • Motorcycles were involved in only 3.3 percent of all crashes, but they accounted for 20.3 percent of all fatal crashes.
  • At least 42.9 percent of riders who died in motorcycle accidents wore helmets at the time, making fatality more likely if not wearing a helmet.

Pennsylvania Bicycle accident statistics:

  • Only 1,141 bicycle accidents were reported to police in 2017. However, 21 bikers were killed in the crashes.
  • A significant proportion of biker injuries and fatalities were caused by the biker’s age.
  • One out of every five bikers injured in motor vehicle accidents in Pennsylvania was under the age of 14.

Food delivery accident and injury statistics in Pennsylvania: There were 154 fatal workplace injuries in Pennsylvania in 2019. According to Acting Regional Commissioner, the number of work-related fatalities in Pennsylvania is down from the previous year.

Child Pedestrian Accident statistics: pedestrian-related accidents account for 3.2 percent of all accidents but 13.2 percent of fatalities. In 2017, 150 pedestrians were killed in Pennsylvania.

Truck accident Injury Statistics:

  • In 2017, there were 6,807 reported truck crashes, a slight increase from 2016.
  • There were nearly 145 fatalities involving heavy trucks, a slight increase from 2016.
  • Almost 85 percent of all heavy truck accidents occurred on state highways.
  • A vehicle defect was responsible for over 270 truck accidents.

Traumatic Brain Injury Statistics: There are 245,621 people living with brain injury-related disabilities; 2,223 people die from brain injuries each year, and 10,463 people are hospitalized after a brain injury each year.

Number of Lawsuits: According to lawsuit statistics in the US, there are about 40 million lawsuits filed every year.

DUI Statistics: 2018 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatality Data:

  • Total Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities = 334
  • Under 21 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities = 29

Population Growth: Pennsylvania has a population of 12.8 million people, of which 96.9 percent are citizens. In 2019, there were 7.04 times more White residents in Pennsylvania (9.68M people) than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most common ethnic groups were 1.37M Black or African American and 513k White.