Orange County is a county in Southern California that is part of the Los Angeles metropolitan region. The population was 3,186,989 as of the 2020 census, making it the third-most populated county in California, the sixth-most populous in the United States, and more populous than 21 U.S. states. Despite being mostly suburban, it is the state’s second-most densely inhabited county, after only San Francisco County. Seal Beach, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Dana Point, and San Clemente are all located on the Pacific coast in Orange County.
Average Income: Orange County, California has a median household income of $95,934. Males in California have an average income that is 1.26 times more than females, who have an average income of $64,688. California has 0.497 percent income inequality, which is greater than the national average.
Number of Attorneys: 1,000 + people are involved in the legal industry.
The number of Law Firms: 201
Wrongful death Statistics:
When someone dies as a consequence of someone else’s carelessness, you can bring a wrongful death claim to Orange County. Many factors, such as medical negligence, industrial accidents, and criminal behavior, can result in wrongful death. To submit a successful wrongful death lawsuit, you (or your lawyer) must demonstrate that the following circumstances happened.
Here are the statistics of some Orange Country wrongful death cases:
The number of Car Accidents: Orange County had 31,004 accidents in 2017, resulting in 21,646 injuries. If you’re keeping track, it equates to 84 accidents each day across the county.
Fatal Car accidents: Every year, dozens of people are killed in car accidents in Orange Country City. In 2017, Orange County had a reported 188 deaths.
Motorcycle accident vs. Car Accident Statistics:
Orange Country Bicycle accident statistics:
Food delivery accident and injury statistics in Orange Country: In 2016, Orange County recorded 109 worker fatalities. In this region, more employees died on the job in 2016 than in any other year since 2011.
Child Pedestrian Accident statistics: Over the last five years, Orange County has maintained a high rate of pedestrian accidents. In 2016 and 2017, there were over 900 recorded accidents per year. The number of reported instances decreased significantly between 2018 and 2019, however, there were still serious injuries and fatalities.
Truck accident Injury Statistics: In 2015, single-unit (straight) trucks accounted for almost 8.5 million of the more than 263.6 million total registered vehicles in the United States, while combination trucks accounted for more than 2.7 million and buses accounted for nearly 900,000 of the total. These cars together accounted for around 4.6 percent of all registered automobiles.
Traumatic Brain Injury Statistics: Around 80,000 people are permanently disabled as a result of their injuries. Sadly, another 50,000 people perish. Each day in 2014, around 155 people in the United States died as a result of brain injuries.
Number of Lawsuits In the fiscal year 2016–2017, California’s court system served a population of more than 39 million people—roughly 12% of the overall U.S. population—and handled around 5.8 million cases.
DUI Statistics: Ten Orange County communities are among the worst in the state in terms of DUI-related injuries and fatalities. Orange has the highest number of intoxicated driving fatalities and crashes of any California city with a population of 100,000 to 250,000 people.
Population Growth: Orange County, California has a population of 3.18 million people, with 87 percent of them being citizens. In 2019, there were 1.89 times as many White (non-Hispanic) citizens (1.26 million people) in Orange County, CA than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 668k Asian (non-Hispanic) and 621k White (Hispanic).
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