Chicago is the county seat of Cook County in northeastern Illinois, United States. Chicago is the state’s biggest and the country’s third most populated metropolis, with a population of about three million people. Furthermore, the larger Chicagoland area—which includes northeastern Illinois and stretches into southeastern Wisconsin and northern Indiana—is the country’s third-biggest metropolitan area and the Midwest’s leading city. Chicago sprawls along the lakeside and expands inward in a ragged line to meet its suburbs.
Average Income: Jacksonville, FL has a median household income of $56,975. Males in Florida have an average income that is 1.34 times more than females, who have an average income of $46,953. Florida’s income inequality) is 0.473, which is lower than the national average.
Number of Attorneys: 30,000 + people are involved in the legal industry.
Number of Law Firms: 453
Wrongful death Statistics:
According to the (740 ILCS 180/) Wrongful Death Conduct, an unlawful death occurs when a person is murdered as a result of another person’s negligent or wrongful act. The majority of wrongful fatalities in Chicago are the result of accidents such as car accidents, medical negligence, and industrial accidents, among others.
Here are the statistics of some Chicago wrongful death cases:
The number of Car Accidents: In 2020, Cook County will account for nearly 30 percent of all Illinois vehicle accident deaths.
Fatal Car accidents: In Cook County, where Chicago is the county seat, there were 269 fatal collisions in 2018 and 294 in 2019. So far in 2020, the county has registered 170 fatal collisions.
Motorcycle accident vs. Car Accident Statistics: There were 2,973 motorcycle accidents.
Chicago Bicycle accident statistics:
Food delivery accident and injury statistics in Chicago: Fatal work injuries totaled 158 in 2019 for Illinois
In Illinois, transportation incidents resulted in 53 fatal work injuries, and violence and other injuries by persons or animals accounted for 31 fatalities. ( Illinois data)
Child Pedestrian Accident statistics: From 2001 to 2005, an average of more than 3,700 pedestrian incidents was reported to the Illinois Division of Motor Vehicles from Chicago. During each of these five years, 71 pedestrians were murdered and around 930 were badly wounded.
Truck accident Injury Statistics: There were 12,267 semi-truck incidents, with 2,075 of those crashes resulting in injuries; tractor-trailers were involved in 122 fatal accidents.
Traumatic Brain Injury Statistics: TBIs were sustained by 108,101 people in Illinois in 2015. 1 699 (12.5 per 100,000) of those injured died. ( Illinois data)
Number of Lawsuits: In 2019, 23 lawsuits accounted for 21% of all settled cases and 7% of all settlement money.
DUI Statistics: On average, ten Chicagoans get pulled over for driving under the influence each night. According to Chicago Police records, 3,795 persons were arrested in Chicago last year for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Population Growth: Between 2018 and 2019, the population of Jacksonville, FL increased by 0.844 percent, from 903,896 to 911,528, while the median household income increased by 4.99 percent, from $54,269 to $56,975. The five most populous ethnic groups in Jacksonville, FL are White (49.9%), Black or African American (30.7%), White (6.98%), Asian (4.81%), and Two (3.18 percent ). 0 percent of Jacksonville, FL families speak a language other than English as their primary language at home.
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