Las Vegas

Las Vegas is the city and county headquarters of Clark County in southeastern Nevada, United States. Las Vegas, the only major city in the American West built in the twentieth century, rose from a modest, desert-bound railroad service center at the turn of the century to the country’s fastest-growing metropolis by the end of the century. This transformation, made possible by a combination of astute entrepreneurship, access to water, an extensive transportation network, and permissive state laws, has resulted in the city now commonly referred to simply as “Vegas,” a place of vast casinos, elaborate hotels, and spectacular entertainment venues that attracts visitors from all over the world.

Legal Statistics

Average Income: Las Vegas, NV has a median household income of $58,713. Males in Nevada have an average income that is 1.26 times more than females, who have an average income of $49,083. Nevada’s income inequality (as measured by the Gini index) is 0.449, which is lower than the national average.

Number of Attorneys: 783 people are involved in the legal industry.

Number of Law Firms: 141

Wrongful death Statistics:

A wrongful death action is filed in civil court in Las Vegas and is considered a civil law remedy. This implies that you can sue someone who willfully killed a loved one even if they are already facing criminal charges handled by the state.

Here are the statistics of some Las Vegas wrongful death cases:

The number of Car Accidents: According to the data, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department recorded 43.3 percent of the state’s 51,664 reported collisions.

  • That means the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department received reports of about 22,215 collisions. When broken down per day, that equates to around 60.9–nearly 61–crashes every day..

Fatal Car accidents: According to the Nevada Office of Road Safety, there were 329 verified traffic deaths in the state in 2018. According to preliminary figures for 2019, there were 243 roadway fatalities.

Motorcycle accident vs. Car Accident Statistics:

  • Drivers in Las Vegas are advised to share the road and to be extra cautious of vulnerable road users.
  • Unfortunately, the frequency of deadly Nevada motorcycle accidents has increased at an alarming rate in recent years.
  • According to KLAS-TV, the number of motorcycle deaths increased from 24 to 40 between 2012 and 2013.
  • Year-to-date deaths were up 50% in July 2014 compared to 2013.

Las Vegas Bicycle accident statistics:

  • Between 2011 and 2015, 19 junctions in Las Vegas had four or more accidents.
  • Las Vegas is the third most hazardous city for bicycles, according to 24/7 Wall Street.
  • According to the Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan for Southern Nevada, when a bike and a car crash at 25 mph, the rider has an 89 percent probability of survival, but only a 35 percent chance when the vehicle is driving 45 mph.

Food delivery accident and injury statistics in Las Vegas: In Nevada, there were 40 fatal workplace injuries in 2019. In Nevada, the number of work-related fatalities was similar to the previous year. The number of fatal occupational injuries in the state has ranged from 71 in 2007 to 24 in 2009. (Nevada data)

Child Pedestrian Accident statistics: According to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration analysis, Las Vegas ranks 15th out of 34 major U.S. cities in terms of pedestrian accident deaths, with estimates showing that 2.51 walkers are killed per 100,000 people.

Truck accident Injury Statistics: Every day, hundreds of huge trucks travel the roads and highways around Las Vegas and throughout Nevada.

  • Semi-truck accidents caused about 111,000 injuries, a 17 percent rise over the previous year.
  • Semi-truck collisions killed 4,050 people, an increase of 8% over the previous year.
  • There were 342,000 accidents that resulted in property damage.

Traumatic Brain Injury Statistics: Every year, roughly 2.5 million people suffer from brain injuries of different severity. Brain injuries account for almost 300,000 hospitalizations in the United States each year.

Number of Lawsuits: According to lawsuit statistics in the US, there are about 40 million lawsuits filed every year.

DUI Statistics: According to recent research done by, Las Vegas has 1,986 DUI arrests per 100,000 people, with a yearly total of 4,311 arrests. Furthermore, a DUI conviction in Vegas results in a 51 percent increase in vehicle insurance costs, from $5,205 to $7,835 yearly.

Population Growth: Las Vegas, NV has a population of 651k inhabitants, 88 percent of them are citizens In 2019, there were 1.97 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents in Las Vegas, NV (267k individuals) than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 136k White (Hispanic) and 75.5k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic).