
Seattle is the capital of the state of Washington in the United States. On November 13, 1851, the city of West Seattle was founded. The next year, it was transferred to a site across Elliott Bay near a Duwamish Indian hamlet. It was named after the Native American chieftain Seattle, head of the Duwamish, Suquamish, and other Puget Sound tribes. Surrounding the city are areas of outstanding natural beauty, such as the thickly wooded Olympic Peninsula and the Cascade Range.

Legal Statistics

Average Income: Seattle, WA has a median household income of $102,486. Males in Washington have an average income that is 1.35 times that of females, which is $61,170. Washington’s income inequality (as measured by the Gini index) is 0.464, which is lower than the national average.

Number of Attorneys: 4710+ people are involved in the legal industry.

Number of Law Firms: 238

Wrongful death Statistics:

There is nothing more heartbreaking than losing a loved one, especially when that loss was caused by the reckless or negligent conduct of another and might have been avoided. While the emotional effect is terrible, the financial consequences may be severe and long-lasting.

Here are the statistics of some Seattle wrongful death cases:

The number of Car Accidents: In further encouraging news, the Seattle Department of Transportation reported a 25% decrease in auto-related deaths from 2017 to 2018.

Fatal Car accidents: Every year, dozens of people are killed in car accidents in Seattle City.

  • In 2018, 14 people were killed and 170 were badly wounded in car accidents in Seattle.

Motorcycle accident vs. Car Accident Statistics: Motorcycle-involved death and suspected major injury collisions have been substantially more prevalent in our state over the last five years. Consider the following augmentations:

  • +15.39 percent of fatal collisions
  • Accidents resulting in serious injuries: +11.61 percent
  • +19.70% of fatalities
  • Run-off-the-road accidents: +17.40%
  • +17.43 percent of lane departure accidents.

Seattle Bicycle accident statistics:

  • According to preliminary statistics on traffic collisions from last year, the overall number of collisions involving individuals on bikes in Seattle was down by more than 50% compared to the three prior years’ average.
  • This is consistent with the trend in total traffic crashes, which SDOT reports has decreased from 230 per week to 115 in 2020.

Food delivery accident and injury statistics in Seattle: In Washington State, 76 employees were killed on the job in traumatic occurrences in 2018. There were two fewer occupational deaths in 2018 than in 2017. (No data available for Seattle so Common Washington data been provided)

Child Pedestrian Accident statistics: In Washington State, 89 of 2,433 pedestrian incidents were fatal in 2016. There were 1,874 incidents with a suspected injury, with 362 resulting in serious injuries.

  • In Washington State, 60% of accidents occur on city streets, where people are supposed to walk. (No data available for Seattle so Common Washington data been provided)

Truck accident Injury Statistics: Due to the intense strain drivers are put under to deliver their merchandise on schedule, Seattle truck accidents are sadly regular. As a Seattle truck driver, it is critical that you understand your legal alternatives in the event of a vehicle accident.

Traumatic Brain Injury Statistics: In 2005, 1,304 people in Washington died as a result of traumatic brain injuries (age-adjusted rate: 21 per 100,000).  (No data available for Seattle so Common Washington data been provided)

Number of Lawsuits: The city of Seattle has negotiated a $3.5 million settlement in a lawsuit filed by people who received inaccurate and exorbitant energy bills against Seattle City Light.

DUI Statistics: It’s hardly a competition that any city wants to win, but according to a recent research, Seattle ranks 17th in the US in terms of drivers facing DUI fines.

Population Growth: Seattle, WA has a population of 754k people, with 89.3 percent of them being citizens. In 2019, there were 3.8 times as many White (Non-Hispanic) inhabitants in Seattle, WA (473k people) than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 124k Asian (Non-Hispanic) and 55k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic).