Kids and Gun Safety

Kids and guns do not always mix. Any child unable to understand the risks of touching a gun should not be near one. Parents know that. What you may be wondering is how to keep your kids safe if you have guns at any age. Is it impossible? Absolutely note. The more you know about kids and gun safety, the better.

Here, we look at gun statistics and safety strategies that can help parents to make the best possible decisions. Knowledge makes a difference. And it can give you peace of mind as well. In this guide, we’ll share effective strategies and tips for teaching the principles of gun safety to your child. It’s always a parent-specific, age-appropriate decision. Empower your child with knowledge. Here’s how to get started.

Gun Statistics and Gun Safety Statistics

Understanding risk is always an essential part of learning anything new. There’s no doubt that mistakes and injuries happen. The goal is to do what you can to minimize those.

Let’s consider some real facts. Pew Research shows that 48,830 people died in 2021 due to gun use in some way. That includes suicides. They are the highest percentage. Murders were number two. About 549 deaths were related to accidental use. That’s a very small percentage of the total risk.

Another survey shows an increase of 50% in children and teens killed by gunfire. From 2019 to 2021, 2590 kids died from such acts. Most of those were due to homicides or suicides. About 5% were related to accidental use.

Gun Safety Starts At Home

Parents can avoid most accidents by teaching gun safety at home. Teach children the value of gun safety. That way, they know the risks. They know how to be responsible gun users in the future. That’s a part of being a responsible gun owner yourself. How do you do this?

First, start with these steps. Make sure you’re following gun safety methods at home. Teach them to your children, too.

  • Store them safely. Firearms must be unloaded and locked in a secure storage solution. That’s a gun safe or a lockbox. The NSSF provides some tips on how to do this.
  • Use childproof locks. Very young children cannot understand the risks. Install childproof locks. Another option is to use a trigger lock. This makes it impossible for most children to use the gun.
  • Store ammunition the right way. Keep it away from firearms. It should also be locked up.

Teach gun handling safety as soon as your child is old enough. That should include how to properly hold the gun. Teach them how to check if there is ammunition in it. You also want to warn against pointing the gun at anyone else.

A range of educational tools are available to help kids learn about gun safety. One of the best options is the Eddie Eagle GunSafe program. It’s interactive. You may even say it’s fun to learn. It teaches a child what to do if they find a gun. That’s not going to replace your need to teach them. It will reinforce what you want them to know.

Talking To Kids About Gun Safety

When and how do you talk to kids about guns? Here’s an important factor to keep in mind. Your children see guns often. Video games, TV, and social media make that common. This type of exposure needs to be carefully managed. You know your children and their ability to comprehend important information. These guidelines help you be more successful.

Start early on.

Talk to your child about gun safety early. Use simple language. You don’t need to complicate it. Make sure kids know guns are not toys. They also must learn not to touch guns without a grown-up present. Teach children who are old enough why this is so important.

Give them answers.

Don’t avoid explaining “why” to your kids. That only makes them more interested in the gun. Provide honest answers to questions. Be sure to focus on safety. Sometimes, they may ask you a question you don’t know. Learn about it together. Provide clear insights that encourage your child to respect guns.

Play some games.

Avoid the video games here. Instead, consider a simple role-playing game. Your child finds a gun at a playground. What should they do? Teach them to do the following:

  • Don’t touch it.
  • Leave the area quickly.
  • Tell a grown-up.

That’s also a part of the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program. There are other role-playing demonstrations, too. They all work very well in giving your child specific directions on what to do. Role-playing helps them to understand the concept at just about any age.

Use interactive tools.

Books and videos are great tools to help teach about gun safety, so head to the library to find one. Buy one on Amazon. Teach from these tools because they help create foundational information. This is information your kids will remember because they saw it. Include some videos that you watch beforehand. You’ll find great choices at Kids Health. You can feel good watching these videos with your kids. They demonstrate everything they need to know. They are also kid-specific.

Always provide a consistent message.

Children pick up on differences easily. If one parent says yes and the other no, that’s a concern. Make sure your whole family is on the same page. Be sure aunts, uncles, and others are as well.

Talk about responsible reporting.

Don’t overlook this important topic. Children need to feel comfortable telling a grown-up if they are in an unsafe situation. Tell them who to turn to. Discuss who to trust, like a police officer or teacher. Make sure your children know that they will not get in trouble for reporting the presence of a gun in an unsafe area.

Lockdown Drills and Emergency Preparedness

This can be a challenging area for some parents. Lockdown drills drive home what to do if something bad happens. The fact is, they are critical. Emergency preparedness is essential to protect your child. You teach them valuable information. Other parents may not, though.

Here’s what to do in a lockdown drill.

  • Explain what’s going on. Provide information about what a lockdown drill is. Talk about why they are important. Stress the importance of taking them seriously. It’s no different from preparing for an earthquake.
  • Teach your child to stay calm. Be reassuring. These drills help to keep people safe. Mastering them is a must.
  • Talk about fears. Most kids will have some fears, and that’s okay. Talk about what they are worried about. Just be honest with them. Maintain a reassuring tone throughout the process.
  • Always focus on listening and following instructions. Every situation could be different. Children are safer when they pay attention and follow directions. They also have to be able to stay quiet.
  • Practice drills like this at home, just like at school. That helps kids to understand their importance. It also helps them know what to do in every environment.

Reporting School Safety Concerns

Another big part of gun safety for kids is talking about reporting concerns. Teach children to speak up if they see something that’s not safe. Be sure to encourage open communication between you and your child. That’s going to help them be confident when they need to take action. Consider the following strategies:

  • Talk about why reporting concerns is so important. Teach that reporting a problem at school helps the person who needs help to get it.
  • Anonymous reporting is really important. That’s even more important as the child gets older. They need to know they can share what they see without getting in trouble.
  • Talk about what to report. That may include seeing a gun or hearing someone talk about bringing a gun to school.
  • Tell them who to talk to about what they saw. At school, that’s likely a teacher or a principal. At home, they need to come to you as a parent.

Community Partnerships and Resources

There’s a lot of help available today to guide you in teaching children how to be safe around guns. You can find a variety of resources out there to provide your child with the information they need. These tools are a must.

Local law enforcement.

Your police department is there to serve you. Visit. Talk about local gun safety initiatives. Be a part of the local conversation.

Use the organizations shared here.

That includes Safe Kids Worldwide. You can also check out the National Shooting Sports Foundation. They offer firearm safety training that’s readily available. Project ChildSafe is another option. It teaches families to be safe when storing guns.

Each of these tools is a must. You cannot remove guns from a child’s life fully. There will always be risks. You can teach them what to do and how to treat guns themselves. That fosters a sense of safety. It also gives them the tools they need to take action when they need to do so. Use these steps to create a gun safety program at your home. Talk to your school about your options, too. Make it a community-wide effort.

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